• Call Us: 0808 196 9387 - Mon-Fri 9-5

  • Garden Parasols & Bases in Eye Available Online

    We have a wide range of beautiful garden parasols available to order online with delivery to Eye. We offer a wide range of styles, sizes and colours, to suit your garden, decking or patio perfectly. Take a look at our range of table parasols, tilting parasols, upright parasols, cantilever parasols and matching bases on our website and order online!

    What Eye Parasol Customers Say About Us:

    Rated Excellent for Parasols in Eye

    Rated Excellent for
    Parasols in Eye

    Rated Excellent for Parasols in Eye

    loved it

    the vibrant colour of fuchsia give the garden a good pop of colour it fits really well

    Ciara Cordova

    Rated Excellent for Parasols in Eye

    Beige Parasol

    Bought the 3.5 Roma Parasol for my new garden in Eye. At 3.5m it's huge and provides ample sahade for all of the grandkids.

    Scott Boyd

    Rated Excellent for Parasols in Eye

    Elizabeth Parasol

    height and angle is adjustable so whether the sun is above or to the side I can also move it around - perfect item

