• Call Us: 0808 196 9387 - Mon-Fri 9-5

  • BBQs Available Online in Loughton

    A BBQ is the perfect piece of equipment for any garden, patio or decking area in the summer. We have a wide range of barbecues available to buy online with delivery to Loughton! Our collection of barbecue grills includes both charcoal and gas BBQs in a wide range of sizes, from small family barbecues to masonry BBQs, pellet BBQs & smokers and large outdoor kitchen islands with a BBQ grill, fridge and sink included. View our range on our website and order online!

    What Loughton Barbecue Customers Say About Us:

    Rated Excellent for Barbecues in Loughton

    Rated Excellent for
    Barbecues in Loughton

    Rated Excellent for Barbecues in Loughton

    Masonry Charcoal Review

    This verona charcoal barbecue I purhcased in Loughton looks beautiful in our new garden, we used ours with coal to give it that lovely texture

    Emily Davis

    Rated Excellent for Barbecues in Loughton

    Kids Love It

    Thanks to this portable gas BBQ we bought we can enjoy BBQs when we go away in our family caravan & the kids love it

    Ryan McCabe

    Rated Excellent for Barbecues in Loughton

    Nice + Light!

    Bought this BBQ for our terrace, it's so easy to clean and and with it being so light I can move it to and from the utility room on my own

    Elaine G
